Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year!

I know it has been a long while since I posted. R.J.'s graduation has came and when. It was a lot of fun and we got to do a lot of stuff with him! :) We also had HBL come and go which is Holiday Block Leave. That went by way too fast! Now he is in week 3 in AIT. He is having a lot of fun and has been passing all of his test and is now on his 2nd vehicle. He is learning how to drive the M1120A4 today. He was the only one that got to try it out today because he was the oldest. LOL Picture of the Vehicle below!
The previous vehicle that he just passed off yesterday is the M1083A1 picture provided below.
So now it is Friday and we gets to go on pass all weekend! Hopefully I get to talk to him a lot! Wish I was there though and got to spend it with him.
Oh to also catch up we got our FDS (Field Duty Station) which is in Fort Campbell, Kentucky! Oh what fun. This will be very interesting. They say they deploy a lot so I am just hoping he will get at least 1 year there before he is deployed. We will see though. We haven't got our paper orders yet so we cant start the whole process so my job as of right now is to just get the whole house spotless and ready for the movers to pack up! OH GOODY! Well, thats all for now and hopefully I will be able to blog more! Oh and R.J. graduates AIT on Feb. 8th and will come home for 2 weeks to help us move! Yippy!!!