Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14th 2012 (Catch Up)

Sorry guys I have been pretty busy lately here is my catch up!

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Holy Cow is it COLD!! Temps dropped to the low 30’s last night in another example of the crazy weather here in Central Missouri. Projected to be cold throughout the weekend. Not to worry,
just as in the summer months we take precautions against the extreme heat, we do the same in the winter months for the cold temperatures as well.

Looking forward to “connecting” with everyone tonight for our live on-line webcast chat! You can start logging-in at 6:00 p.m. Central Standard Time; we’ll start the chat at 6:30 p.m. The log-in instructions are on our “Notes” tab. This is the first time we’ve done this, so bear with everyone if there’s some technical issues we work through.

We made some adjustments to the “Holiday Block Leave Information” post last night. Specifically, we added information on the “Hold Company” designation for those Soldiers not taking leave or returning before 03 January. Additionally, we learned that only those Soldiers who report to Fort Leonard Wood after 01 November will be afforded the opportunity for a pay advance (meaning everyone who’s currently in training will not qualify for the advance). Lastly, we revised the information about picking up Soldiers in Privately Owned Vehicles. This particular information is important for those Bravo and Delta Company Soldiers staying here at Fort Leonard Wood for AIT. Please check it out.

For those of you who’ve been following over the last 10 weeks, the Fort Leonard Wood newspaper “The Guidon” was running a series covering four Soldiers from Charlie Comanches (who graduated last week). This week “The Guidon” published their final story in the series. Our thanks to the series author – Ms. Melissa Buckley – for her outstanding coverage and support to our Soldiers. You can check it out at:

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 6): With the rain and unseasonably cold temperatures last night we pulled the Bulldogs out of the field late last night as a safety precaution. Everyone’s fine, we just wanted to be sure with the first freezing temps of the fall season. They’ve already headed back out to the field to finish up their second Field Training Exercise (FTX) today.

We’ll “see” you later tonight for our webcast! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
  Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – We had a great turn out last night for our first ever on-line webcast chat. For those that were able to log-in we hope that you found the information we provided useful for your Holiday Block Leave travel planning with your Soldier. I also know that several Family Members and Friends could not make it for various reasons – sorry we missed you. W
e would like to get everyone’s feedback so we can continue to improve this forum:

- For those who logged-in – did you get all your questions answered? Was there a specific piece of information you were looking for that we didn’t have for you? How could we make it better?

- If you could not log in for a technical problem – please let us know so we can try to get it resolved for the next go around

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 6): With their recovery and clean-up from FTX II complete, today the Bulldogs complete their third inspection period. Inspections provide the cadre the opportunity to ensure Soldiers have all their equipment and that it is serviceable. We also assess Soldiers’ attention to detail, discipline, and teamwork when we check the equipment’s cleanliness and layout.

As always look for pictures from this week’s training posted later today (Delta Dawgs just went up).

Hope you have a great weekend! Maybe, just maybe, Army will be able to pull out a win today against Ball State… “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Hope your weekend’s been a good one! Our thoughts and prayers are with those of you on the east coast as you prepare for Hurricane Sandy’s arrival. We hope that your travel plans are not a
dversely impacted if you’re headed here this week for Family Day and Graduation.

For our Bravo Company Families – when you speak with your Soldier today please make sure that you talk about Holiday Block Leave travel plans – your Soldiers go to the ticketing office on Wednesday this week!

As always, Sundays are set aside for voluntary attendance at one of the various religious services offered here on post, getting ready for the upcoming week’s training (haircuts, visit to the troop store, preparing equipment), and area clean-up – lots of leaves dropping now that fall’s in full swing.

This week’s video is a “Shout Out” to our Echo Enforcer Families and Friends as they make their way to Fort Leonard Wood later this week to see their loved ones become U.S. Army Soldiers:

Hope you have a great week! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Its Monday and the start of another great week of training in the Dragoon Battalion!! Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to start this week on a high note.

There’s still a few days left for the Bravo Bulldog Family Members and Friends to RSVP for the Thanksgiving Special Meal in our Dining Facility. If you’re interested in attending
please call (573) 596-0331 by Wednesday.

If you were not able to attend our live-on line chat on Friday night, we transcribed the Q&A and posted them on our “Notes” Tab – “Graduation and Holiday Block Leave Q&A From Live On-Line Chat (26 Oct 2012)” you can also check out the “Holiday Block Leave Information” post for information related to Holiday Block Leave ticketing procedures.

Looking forward to seeing the Echo Enforcer Families and Friends later this week for Family Day and Graduation! We wish you safe travels on your journey.

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 7): Today the Bulldogs transition from Basic to Advanced Rifle Marksmanship in the Engagement Skills Trainer (EST) our fully functional weapons simulator. Soldiers move beyond the basics of marksmanship and apply the same fundamental skills while wearing their full combat equipment load and using non-standard firing positions. Today they’ll practice in the EST and over the rest of the week they’ll apply what they learned on the range with live rounds.

Hope you have a great week! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – First and foremost, our thoughts and prayers go out to our Family Members and Friends impacted by Hurricane Sandy. We hope that you and your Families are safe. We know that the adverse wea
ther may have prevented several of you from traveling here this week for the Echo Enforcers Family Day and Graduation.

We’re looking forward to seeing those Echo Enforcer Family Members and Friends who are able to travel here to Fort Leonard Wood on Wednesday for Family Day and Thursday for Graduation.

Tomorrow, Wednesday 31 Oct is the last day for the Bravo Bulldog Family Members and Friends to RSVP for the Thanksgiving Special Meal in our Dining Facility. If you’re interested in attending please call (573) 596-0331 by Wednesday.

As a reminder for Bravo and Delta Company Families and Friends – We will start Holiday Block Leave ticketing with Bravo Company tomorrow and Delta Company on 16 November. If you still have questions related to how the process works, please check out two posts on our “Notes” tab – “Holiday Block Leave Information” and “Graduation and Holiday Block Leave Q&A From Live On-Line Chat (26 Oct 2012).” You can also call the Fort Leonard Wood Installation Travel Office at (573) 329-2082 or check them out on Facebook at:

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 7): Continues Advanced Rifle Marksmanship today on the range transitioning from basic iron sights to using the close combat optic and the AN/PAQ-4 (“Pack-4”) infra-red laser used to engage targets at night under night vision optics. They will also execute reflexive fire techniques used in Close Quarters Battle (CQB; i.e. small enclosed spaces like urban environments) focusing on firing positions and stance, movement techniques, and target identification and engagement skills.

Hope you're having an awesome Tuesday! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – It’s Wednesday; we’re halfway through another week AND it’s Halloween (though we won’t be doing much trick or treating tonight).

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 7): Goes to the Fort Leonard Wood ITR Office this morning for Holiday Block Leave ticketing. I was there on Monday and they’re all set and ready to receive us. If you still have questions about the process please refer to the two posts we have on our “Notes” page related to Holiday Block Leave.

In the Halloween spirit, here’s a classic music video to help get you in a ‘creepy’ mood:

Have a safe and Happy Halloween! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – We hope everyone had a great Halloween last night – not too scary or having to recover from the ‘sugar coma’ after eating too much post-“Trick or Treat” candy!

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 7): After successfully navigating Holiday Block Leave ticket sales yesterday morning the Bulldogs headed back out to the range for more Advanced Rifle Marksmanship training and more field fire with the M68 Close-Combat Optic and AN/PAQ-4 infrared laser (night fire). Today their back in garrison executing rehearsals for the Buddy Team Live Fire range next week.

Have a great rest of your Thursday! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – It’s Friday and the end of another awesome week of Basic Combat Training!
Thought we were done with summer time weather here in Missouri after some of the below freezing temps we’ve had lately, but yesterday turned out to be a FANTASTIC day with temps over 65!! We’re projected to have temps in the mid-60’s again today!

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 7): The Bulldogs are headed out to the Urban Operations site today to learn tactics, techniques, procedures, Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills for executing effective military operations in an urban environment.

Hope you have a great Friday and an awesome weekend! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – The sun’s coming up on another great Army day! We had a great week last week! Awesome to see the progress many of our trainees make each week on their way to becoming U.S. Army Soldiers!

Big day for the Army Football team today as they take on rival Air Force; gonna be tough to pull out a win, but the game is in front of the home crowd at Michie Stadium so maybe, just maybe it could be upset city…

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 7): The Bulldogs are currently in the middle of taking their End of Cycle Army Physical Fitness test. Soldiers must score at least 50 points in each of the three events to pass the APFT. Passing the APFT is a graduation requirement. Those Soldiers who fail to meet the standard today will be afforded a phone call home to let their Family Members know if they’re a graduation risk. Like weapons qualification – today is a day you do NOT want a phone call home. You can check out more about the Army Physical Fitness Test in the “Physical Readiness Training (PRT) and the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)” post on our “Notes” tab above. Later this afternoon they’ll continue their Modern Army Combatives training.

As always, look for photos from this week’s training to go up later today in each company’s respective photo album.

Hope you have an awesome Saturday! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Good Evening Dragoon Family Members and Friends – I have some updates for everyone tonight based on today’s events:

The Bravo Bulldogs – Here are the results from this morning’s End of Cycle APFT

Soldiers Tested: 191

Soldiers Passed: 170

Failed: 21

Props go out to – PVT Mcelwain who scored a 300 and earned the Army Physical Fitness Badge (270 points or more total AND at least 90 points in each event). PVTs Bouyer, Brown, Buzar and Ingram also earned the APFB!

Of the 21 that failed the EOC APFT, some are very close to passing; others have a long, long way to go. The company will hold two more retests on each of the next two Saturdays.

Also for the Bravo Bulldogs – The company will not be receiving phone privileges tomorrow for failure to adhere to known standards. On Tuesday the company chain of command held their third of four inspections and overall our Soldiers performance fell well below the expected standard. The company commander gave them an additional three days to focus on weapons and ensured the Drill Sergeants reiterated the weapons cleaning standard. While the company did improve this afternoon during the reinspection, they still did not meet the standard overall. As an example, CPT Nichols inspected every weapon in the company and found deficiencies in every one of them.

Because we know that Families make significant travel arrangements to attend graduation, the 21 Soldiers who failed to meet the APFT standard will be allowed a FIVE MINUTE phone call to a Family Member to make them aware that he / she is a graduation risk.

For the Delta Dawgs – we messed up with the camera today – not to worry, we DO HAVE PICTURES – just not tonight. We’ll have them up by mid-day on Sunday.

Sorry I don’t have better news overall to share with everyone tonight. All I can say is that it would be a good idea to get out the pen and paper and start writing those uplifting and motivational notes that will fire your Soldier up!!

“By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – It’s the start of a new day and new opportunities! It’s gonna be a great week – Advanced Marksmanship Ranges, Buddy Team Live Fire, the Night Infiltration Course – AND – at the end of the w
eek we’ll be picking up another company of trainees about to begin their journey to become U.S. Army Soldiers.

As always, Sundays are an opportunity for Soldiers to voluntarily attend one of our various religious services, get haircuts, and get ready for the upcoming week’s training.

I don’t know about you, but I was a little discouraged after seeing yesterday’s APFT results, hearing about inspection results, and the problems we had getting photos up. Needed this music video to get me reenergized and fired up – if it was easy to be an Army Soldier, everybody would be one. A little adversity goes a long way for all of us.

Have a great Sunday! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – So much for the awesome weather we had last week; today started rainy and gloomy, but that’s not stopping us from having a great day and week of training ahead!

Great to see some former Dragoon Soldiers following the page and offering their words of encouragement; once a Dragoon always a Dragoon!

I want to encourage everyone out there to exercise
one of our fundamental Americans rights tomorrow – get out and vote! So many people in the world do not have this right, one that your Soldiers have sworn to defend, but so few Americans actually exercise this right. Please take time out of your day tomorrow and let your voice be heard. Please note, this is NOT an endorsement for a particular candidate or political party, but rather an appeal to be involved in our country’s political process.

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 8): Continues Advanced Rifle Marksmanship training today by incorporating firing and movement techniques using the available terrain (barriers) to provide cover and concealment. Soldiers will use advanced firing positions to negotiate a lane while engaging targets – critical skill for Soldiers of all military occupational specialties (MOS) to master because combat does not look like the qualification range…

Hope you have a great week! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – I don’t know about you, but some mornings it’s just difficult to get myself going…and then I get out to PRT and see Soldiers gettin’ after it and it fires me up!!! Great start to the mornin
g today seeing the Delta Dawgs taking their End of Cycle Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). Saw lots of Soldiers pushing themselves to the max!

Its election day today – I again want to encourage everyone to go out and vote!! I can’t tell you how much your participation in our political process means. Having been deployed to other countries where the citizens don’t have the right to make their voice heard, the fact that we can is a big deal. One of the things that’s amazing about our form of government is that every few years, the people get to decide who will lead their city, county, state, and the nation. Throughout our Nation’s history, while the elections may be hotly contested with strong feelings on multiple sides of the issues, there’s a peaceful transition from one leader to the next. The same cannot be said for much of the rest of the world. In many other countries corrupt, despotic leaders retain control, suppress the people they’re supposed to protect, and plunge their country further into chaos and destruction. In many cases, that county’s military is beholden to the leader. Our Army swears to support and defend the Constitution – a set of ideals and principles – and not a particular political leader or party. As such, we are apolitical, serving the people of the United States, supporting and defending their right to be heard. We don’t care who you vote for, just that you exercise the right so many of us have sacrificed for so that you can. If you’ve never thought about casting your vote, today’s your opportunity to make a difference!

Pretty excited about an event the cadre are undertaking involving the Army’s Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness – Performance and Resilience Enhancement Program (CSF2-PREP). Over the next two days our cadre who aren’t currently in cycle will spend time with sports psychologists and performance enhancement specialists to learn about how to help improve Soldier performance by focusing on improving cognitive skills, goal setting, and the ability to focus through times of adversity and stress. We’ll look to incorporate these new skills in our trainees so that they improve their mental toughness as well as their physical fitness and their military skills. You can check out more about CSF2 at:

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 8): The Bravo Bulldogs execute the Buddy Team Live Fire Exercise today. Moving as a member of a two Soldier buddy team, your Soldier will negotiate the lane using proper movement techniques and covering his or her buddy’s movement by fire. This event builds Soldier confidence that he / she can successfully engage targets with live rounds while moving with another Soldier.

Hope you have a great Tuesday! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Welcome to the U.S. Army's Official Comprehensive Soldier & Family Fitness (CSF2) Program Official Fan Page on Facebook. For the official source of information about the U.S. Army’s CSF2 Program, visit our homepage at
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Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Did you know that people who engage in mental skills training perform on average 23% higher than people who do not and that people who use imagery (seeing mental pictures of succeeding at their goals) perform on average 21% than those who do not? Research shows that confident people set higher goals, are more persistent to overcome obstacles, and
perform better than people with lower confidence.

While these statements may be intuitively obvious, many struggle to succeed even when they possess the physical and technical skills needed because they lack the mental toughness required to overcome obstacles or adversity. One of our primary roles in Basic Combat Training is to build Soldier competence, confidence, and mental toughness so that they can succeed in achieving their goal to become U.S. Army Soldiers – even when facing new tasks, environments, and challenges.

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 8): Today the Bulldogs head back to the Engagement Skills Trainer (EST) our fully functional weapons simulator for the Joint Base Skills Training exercise. This simulation presents a series engagements where Soldiers have to discriminate between threats and non-combatants with little reaction time. The scenarios are designed to build Soldiers’ cognitive thought processes and test their decision making skills. These skills are critical as our adversaries often seek to place civilians in harm’s way, using them as human shields. Tonight they’ll be out at the Night Infiltration Course negotiating the lane while moving under direct fire. That’s right, they’ll traverse about 150 meters of battlefield terrain while live machine guns fire over their heads. This is an extremely physically and mentally demanding event that tests your Soldiers’ endurance, never quit attitude, and improves their confidence. I’ll be out there with them.

It’s Wednesday, we’re half way through the week; hope yours is a good one! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Good (Late) Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Just got back a little while ago from the City of Dixon, Missouri where it was “Take a Vet to School Day” with the Dixon Elementary School 1st Graders. Gotta tell ya, it was a very touching morning to spend time with the children as they said thanks to several of our cadre members and also their own parents and grandparents for serving in t
he military. We got to spend time in their classroom helping them make a Veteran’s Day project, read some books about the importance of military service, and then have lunch in the cafeteria. After leaving the school, I stopped by the Dixon Community Caring Center, a local thrift store, where our Alpha Rock cadre members were volunteering as a community service project assisting the staff sort through hundreds of donations. All were working hard with smiles on their faces and having a good time. Very proud of our cadre that they take time out of their ‘down time’ when in between training cycles to give back to the local community. Hard pressed to think of a better way to start the day.

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 8): Had a blast with the Bravo Bulldogs out at the Night Infiltration Course last night – it was a smoker for some!! After they successfully negotiated the course we talked about some of the similarities and many of the differences between what they just experienced and what their predecessors experienced on June 6th, 1944 on Normandy Beach. We talked about some of our Regimental World War II vets I had the privilege of meeting in September and how their discipline, teamwork, and care for one another helped them get through the difficulty of combat. We made some parallels with what the Bravo Bulldogs are going through now and the need to maintain the standard, be disciplined, work as effective teammates, and help one another get through the last phase of Basic Combat Training. Overall, it was a great night! Today the Bulldogs are completing weapons maintenance, rehearsing their Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills, and having a block of instruction on Resilience all in preparation for next week’s final FTX. 
Have a great rest of your Thursday! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Good Afternoon Dragoon Family Members and Friends – You’d think with only two of our six companies in cycle, we wouldn’t be so busy, but that’s not the case. Our cadre is using the time to police up some of the areas we haven’t been able to pay as much attention to when we’re full up. It’s been a great catch up week!

We started our day with a 2.7 mile battalion esprit and team building run to r
ecognize Veterans Day. At the run’s conclusion we spent some time discussing the significance of the upcoming holiday to those of us who wear the uniform and those who’ve gone before us. To us, the day is much more than a day off from work – it’s a day to reflect on the service and sacrifice of so many who answered our Nation’s call.

For more than 237 years our Soldiers have defended their homes and Families and helped others do the same – from a small town square in Lexington, Massachusetts to the bloody battlefields of Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg; from the World War I trenches that still scar Western Europe today to the frozen terrain outside St. Vith, Belgium during World War II and in Korea during the Cold War; from the steamy jungles of Vietnam to the blazing heat and unyielding mountains in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

Regardless of the time and place, American servicemen and women put their personal lives on hold and instead went into harm’s way for something bigger then themselves. While the faces and places changed, our commitment to our Values – Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage – and our Nation remained solid. Those of us in uniform today, including your Soldiers, serve as our veterans’ legacy – we will not fail!

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 8): Today the Bulldogs are continuing their preparation for next week’s final Field Training Exercise and getting ready for their next inspection period tomorrow – hope they’re ready! Those that still have not yet met the standard for the End of Cycle Army Physical Fitness Test will be afforded another opportunity tomorrow morning.

Hope everyone has a fantastic holiday weekend! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Good Afternoon Dragoon Family Members and Friends – It’s a great start to our Saturday!! Weather in the mid-60’s and sunny with some colored leaves still on the trees – overall a beautiful fall day.

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 8): Started the morning out with the make-up End of Cycle APFT for those Soldiers who still needed to meet the graduation standard. We’re st
ill tabulating the results, but I can tell you that some were successful, others not so much. Those that didn’t make it today will have one final opportunity next Saturday. During the remainder of the day the Bulldogs will be executing their third inspection period and also getting ready to depart early Tuesday morning for their final Field Training Exercise.

As always, look for pictures to go up in the respective company photo albums later today.

Have a great Saturday! Personally, I’m looking for another Army Football win after they stunned Air Force last weekend; hoping they can continue to build on their momentum as they face Rutgers in about an hour. “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
1st Battalion 48th Infantry Regiment Fort Leonard Wood, MO
November 11th
Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 the guns across Europe fell silent after more than four years of horrific combat and more than 9 million combatant deaths.

proclaimed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919, Armistice Day, was designed for Americans to remember those who served during The Great War, “the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations." Following World War II, the remembrance changed to recognize not only those who lost their lives during World War I, but also included all veterans who served. President Eisenhower signed into law the creation of Veteran’s Day as we know it today; it is not to be confused with Memorial Day where we remember those who’ve given their lives in the service of our Nation.

We’ve got a great week ahead – the Bravo Bulldogs head out for their final Field Training Exercise, the new Comanches are all settled in the barracks ready to begin their BCT journey, the Delta Dawgs tackle Buddy Team Live Fire, the Night Infiltration Course, and Holiday Block Leave Ticketing. At the end of the week, the Alpha Rock team begins another Basic Combat Training cycle.

As always, Sundays provide our Soldiers with a “down day” from the rigors of Basic Combat Training. They use the time available for voluntary participation at one of the many religious services offered here on post, area clean-up, and preparation for the upcoming week’s training - haircuts, cleaning and packing gear, visits to the troop store, retraining of key tasks from previous training, or introducing new skills that will be used in upcoming training.

This week’s video recognizes and remembers the service and sacrifice of our Nation’s Veterans and their Families – we will never forget!

Have a great rest of your Sunday! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Toby Keith - American Soldier
Hope On The Rocks Releases 10/30/2012 Pre-Order on iTunes here! Don't forget Toby is nominated for 3 American 

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – I know many refer to Fort Leonard Wood as “Fort Lost in the Woods,” but it must be on every Canadian Goose’s internal radar based on how many flew over our house for hours and hours last night – woke the kids up; quite a racket! Hope everyone had a great weekend and has the day today to reflect on Veteran’s Day.

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 9) – The Bulldogs are ready to get out to the field tomorrow for their final Field Training Exercise! Today they’re spending the day reflecting on what it means to be a Soldier, our Army’s values, and Veteran’s Day using the movie “We Were Soldiers” as a driver for discussion.

Hope you have a great week! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Pretty awesome sunrise this morning as we were out and about for Physical Readiness Training! Hope your day is off to a great start as well.

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 9) – The Bulldogs rolled out early this morning and as I write this (0700) are about half way through their 16 kilometer (about 9.5 mile) road march out to FTX III their 96 hour Field Training Exercise. While out at the Forward Operating Base (FOB) they will engage in a number of tasks and be evaluated on their performance of Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills. This is their BCT culmination exercise and designed to evaluate everything they’ve learned in their time here.

Looking forward to a ‘short’ but extremely busy week! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Can you believe that it’s already Wednesday?! We’re halfway through the week, don’t know about you, but it’s FLYING by! Started the day with our new Charlie Comanches checking out their one mile run assessment – some were looking good; others have a long, long way to go…

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 9) – There’s been sporadic enemy contact out at the Forward Operating Base (FOB) over the last twenty four hours. The Bravo Bulldogs are out and about executing their Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills to secure the local area and their base from threat activity. Intelligence reports that several insurgent groups are operating near the FOB preparing for future attacks. The Bulldogs have to execute combat reconnaissance patrols to develop intelligence, locate insurgents, and protect the local population.

Hope you have a great Wednesday! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6

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