Thursday, October 25, 2012


So there was no call yesterday which means he passed his Rifle Marksmanship test! YIPPY! Pictures from the test!

He is now going to be going out to the cold cold wood to practice combat tactics he will even have to stay over night out there! BRRRR! <3 Him so much!

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Huge day for Alpha Rock as they’ve made it to Graduation!! Our congratulations to both the Soldiers who successfully completed the tough, demanding challenges presented to them during BCT and also to the Family Members and friends who’ve survived your “First Deployment” away from your Soldier. Hope you all had a wonderful time yesterday. We’ll s
ee you today at 9:00 a.m. at Abrams Theater (on Iowa Ave) for Graduation!!

The “Holiday Block Leave Information” post went up on our “Notes” tab as promised last night. Please check it out before Friday night’s live on-line chat – it will make our time on Friday more helpful for everyone.

Also check out the log-in instructions for the live chat on the “Notes” tab as well. We’ll have the web link for the chat up and running by 6:00 p.m. Friday night for Family Members and Friends to begin logging on, but won’t actually start providing information until 6:30 p.m.

For our Bravo Bulldogs Families and Friends there’s still time to RSVP for the Warrior Banquet / special holiday meal on Thanksgiving Day with your Soldier in our Dining Facility, we need your RSVP by the end of October so we have the right amount of food. You can call (573) 596-0331 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time Monday through Friday. We will also use this information to set our meal times.

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 6): Great news to report from the Bulldogs yesterday!! All Soldiers medically cleared to train or not pending separation met the Basic Rifle Marksmanship qualification standard during either Tuesday or Wednesday’s range days. This is a huge accomplishment for the Bulldog team; proud of them! No rest for the weary though, as this morning they headed out early on their 12 kilometer (about 7.5 mile) road march and their second Field Training Exercise (FTX). During the FTX they’ll build on the lessons learned earlier in training and put them to use in a field setting. Over the next two days they’ll execute basics of field craft – occupying an assembly area, priorities of work, preparing fighting positions, tactical movements, and battle drills – react to contact, squad attack, break contact, react to ambush, and react to indirect fire. These are all basic Soldier skills that will keep your Soldier alive on today’s battlefield regardless of his / her MOS. They’ll also spend the night out in the woods!

It’s gonna be a great day! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Oh we I also got a letter in the mail from him today and A picture that the church took of him for me <3

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