Thursday, October 25, 2012


Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – After a rainy start, yesterday turned out to be a fantastic day! Projected to be another awesome one today.

Last night we posted the log-in instructions for Friday night’s live chat on our “Notes” tab (To get to the “Notes” tab click the #2 drop down arrow next to the “Videos” tab above). Hope you can make it Friday night for our on-line live chat from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Central Standard Time. We’ll have the web link up and running by 6:00 p.m. for Family Members and Friends to begin logging on, but won’t actually start providing information until 6:30 p.m. We will do what we can to capture the key points of the discussion and the questions / answers for posting shortly after the chat.

The Holiday Block Leave information will be posted on our “Notes” tab later on this evening.

For our Bravo Bulldogs Families and Friends there’s still time to RSVP for the Warrior Banquet / special holiday meal on Thanksgiving Day with your Soldier in our Dining Facility, we need your RSVP by the end of October so we have the right amount of food. You can call (573) 596-0331 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time Monday through Friday. We will also use this information to set our meal times.

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 6): Overall, the Bulldogs shot very well on yesterday’s practice record fire with almost everyone meeting the qualification standard! They’ll all be back after it again today to meet the standard or try to improve their score from yesterday. To qualify on their individual weapon each Soldier receives 40 rounds. They will be presented with a series of timed targets at varying ranges from 50 to 300 meters (150 – 900 feet). They engage 20 targets from the prone supported (lying down with weapon on a sandbag), 10 from the prone unsupported (lying down, without any support for the weapon other than their own arms), and 10 from the kneeling firing positions. To qualify each Soldier must hit 23 of 40 targets; those who exceed the standard (36 hits or better) are considered “Experts.” Soldiers must qualify with their weapon to graduate Basic Training and will be afforded every opportunity today to do so. Those Bulldog Soldiers (and only that company) that do not qualify today will be afforded the opportunity to make ONE FIVE MINUTE phone call to let someone know that they are a graduation risk; only those Soldiers who do not qualify will call someone – bottom line: IF YOU DON’T GET A PHONE CALL TODAY THAT’S A GOOD THING! Today is one of the few days you don’t want one.

Can you believe we’re already half way through the week?! Hope the rest of yours is a good one! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6

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