Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I am spoiled by my soldier!

10/23/2012...First off what R.J. did today:

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Rain on and off throughout the night last night, but lightening up and the sun coming out as I’m typing. The rain could impact some of our training today.

We will have Holiday Block Leave and Log-In instructions for Friday night’s live chat posted on our “Notes” tab tomorrow evening.

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 6): Its crunch time for the Bulldogs, BRM practice record fire! As I mentioned last week, weapons qualification is one of the two biggest stressors for trainees (the other being the final Army Physical Fitness Test). Soldiers must hit a minimum of 23 out of 40 targets from the prone supported (lying down, weapon on a sandbag), prone unsupported (lying down holding the weapon), and kneeling to successfully qualify. Hope you sent your Soldier some motivation over the weekend!!

Hope you have an awesome Tuesday! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
I am hoping that he is doing good at his rifle Marksmanship! It is all rainy and muddy out so hopefully that wont stop them. He graduates in 28 days I am so excited. We are hoping that I can go but right now it is not looking too good because I have no one to watch the kids so I have to pay for them too. :( Why is my family and baby sitting so stinkin hard? I dont understand sometimes. People are like oh yea its just me going to graduation no kid. Ugh I just wish I could get a break from them for a little while it gets very overwhelming. Ok, sorry I am venting. Anyways, he graduates soon so after he is done with Basic he goes to AIT where I get to talk to him almost every day and hopefully we get to skype a lot too! We will see. Its just a waiting game! We are very excited though because we actually have a future now! R.J. is becoming so confident in himself and he sounds so happy! I am very spoiled though because he writes almost every day so I can get a letter every day. Even if its just small. It helps a lot! Well, Thanks for reading have a good night! The picture below is all his letters he sent to me so far. I hope thats all I might be missing some though 19 letters! <3

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