Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10/23/2012 Basic Training

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – It continues to be a great week of training here in the Dragoon Battalion; we hope your week is going well too!

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 5): its back out to the rifle range today for the Bravo Bulldogs to confirm their zero (what you aim at is what you hit) at both 200 and 300 meter (600 and 900 feet) targets.

Have an awesome Wednesday! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
  Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Sorry I’m posting late today. This morning about 120 cadre members from across our brigade participated in a cadre leadership certification that incorporated many of the same events your Soldiers complete during Basic Combat Training.

Starting at 5:00 a.m. we stepped off on our road march to various events around post. Over the morning we exec
uted a series of Physical Readiness Training events; completed a problem solving event on the Team Development Course; tackled the Physical Endurance Course (PECs); zeroed, qualified, and engaged in a tactical decision exercise at the EST; developed our Warrior Ethos in a Modern Army Combatives scenario; evaluated and treated several (mock) casualties. The final event was a standards and unit history board chaired by the Brigade Commander. Overall fantastic event!

Family Members and Friends – MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! Next Friday night, 26 October from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Central Time we will host a live on-line video chat that you can log into to get information about several critical upcoming events including: Thanksgiving Day Special Meal for the Bravo Bulldogs, Holiday Block Leave ticketing procedures, and Holiday Block Leave procedures. You won’t want to miss it! We’ll be posting the log-in instructions sometime next week.

For our Bravo Bulldogs Families and Friends don’t forget to RSVP for the Warrior Banquet / special holiday meal on Thanksgiving Day with your Soldier in our Dining Facility, we need your RSVP by the end of October so we have the right amount of food. You can call (573) 596-0331 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time. We will also use this information to set our meal times.

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 5): Continues Basic Rifle Marksmanship with their first field range. This range provides Soldiers with their first opportunity to engage stationary pop-up targets at various ranges (75, 175, and 300 meters – 150, 525, and 900 feet) to gage exposure time, their target acquisition and engagement skills, and apply the proper marksmanship fundamentals they’ve been taught over the last few weeks.

Hope you have a great Thursday! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends
As a reminder, next Friday night, 26 October from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Central Time we will host a live on-line video web-cast chat that Family Members and Friends can log into to get information about several critical upcoming events including: Thanksgiving Day Special Meal for the Bravo Bulldogs, Holiday Block Leave ticketing procedures, and Holiday Block Leave procedures. You won’t want to miss it! We’ll be posting the log-in instructions sometime next week. You Soldiers will NOT be a part of this event; it’s solely our battalion leadership providing information to you. Because it is a web-cast, we won’t have a video to post after the fact, but we will try and capture the questions asked and answers provided and post them to our “Notes” page after the event.

For our Bravo Bulldogs Families and Friends time is getting short for you to RSVP for the Warrior Banquet / special holiday meal on Thanksgiving Day with your Soldier in our Dining Facility! You can call (573) 596-0331 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time.

The Fort Leonard Wood newspaper “The Guidon” published its next to last story following four Charlie Comanches through their Basic Combat Training experience. You can check out the story at:

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 5): The Bulldogs continue Basic Marksmanship Training by returning to the Engagement Skills Trainer (EST) a fully functional simulator that helps them refine their skills in a qualification range scenario.

It’s Friday meaning the end of another week in Basic Combat Training; pictures go up by Saturday night, and maybe (let’s keep our figures crossed) we won’t have anyone lose their phone privileges for this weekend! Hope you have a great weekend. “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
  Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Hope your weekend is starting off well; ours is off to a great start!
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Friday’s live on-line video web-cast! You’ll he
ar information about the Thanksgiving Day Special Meal / Warrior Banquet for Bravo Company, Holiday Block Leave Ticketing Procedures, and Holiday Block Leave procedures. Your Soldiers will NOT be part of this event, but don’t let that discourage you from logging in. We’ll have the log-in information up mid week.

If you’re a Bravo Bulldogs Family or Friend please don’t forget to RSVP for the Warrior Banquet / special holiday meal on Thanksgiving Day with your Soldier in our Dining Facility! We have to turn in the numbers at the end of next week. If you haven’t called yet, you can still do so starting on Monday - (573) 596-0331 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time

On to today’s training update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 5): The Bulldogs took their second diagnostic Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) this morning to gauge their fitness level and progress thus far. Soldiers must pass the end of cycle APFT (typically administered at the end of Week 7 or 8) by scoring fifty points or more in each of the three events – 2 minutes of push-ups, 2 minutes of sit-ups, and a two mile run. Later today they’ll continue their Modern Army Combatives Training.

As always, look for pictures from this week’s training to be up later today in each company’s photo album.

Hope you have a great weekend! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
- R.J. did good this day on his APFT but did not qualify in his running. He ran 2 miles in 18 min and it needs to be in 16 min. He is looking good for hopefully passing in 2 weeks
Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – It’s the start of another beautiful fall day here in central Missouri – the leaves are all changing and starting to fall from the trees, there’s a brisk breeze in the air, and not a cloud in
the sky. The week looks pretty good overall weather-wise, though we may get some thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon. Alpha Rock’s Family Day and Graduation are projected to be great days!

Mostly housekeeping and reminders for today’s update:

For the Alpha Rock Family and Friends headed to Fort Leonard Wood this week here’s a few things to keep in mind:

Getting on to Fort Leonard Wood requires anyone over the age of 18 to have photo identification. Drivers are required to have a valid driver’s license, show proof of insurance, and vehicle registration. You do not need a pass. If you rent a car, your rental contract serves as your vehicle registration. You do not need anything special or additional if you’re borrowing a vehicle. Your vehicle is subject to search at any time you are on the installation. Unregistered privately owned weapons are not allowed on the installation and create significant problems for you if you bring one on post. Also, you are subject to a $75 fine if caught driving while using a cell phone without a hands-free device (speaker phone does not constitute a hands-free device).

If you are a new Army Spouse and you do not have a DoD Dependent ID Card, you must use your time during Family Day and Graduation to get one! I cannot stress this point strongly enough. Having an ID Card while your Soldier is away at AIT allows you access to many services provided to Soldiers and their Families. In order to get one while you’re here if you do not already have one you must bring: the original, filed and recorded marriage license, the spouse’s birth certificate, the spouse’s Social Security Card, and a photo ID. Children over 10 also must have an ID card, requirements for a biological child of the Soldier and the spouse must have their birth certificate and social security card. The ID Card Section is open from 6:00 am – 7:00 am for walk-ins; after 7:00 am they serve appointments only. Unfortunately, the ID Card Section is closed on Thursdays after 1200. If you have further questions or want to make an appointment you can call (573) 596-0744.

Lastly, please keep your personal safety and security in mind as you finalize your travel plans. I know you’re excited about seeing your Soldier and connecting with other Families, but remember that this is an open page anyone can see. Posting your travel plans, where you’re staying, and when you’ll be away from your home provide others with an opportunity to see when your home is most vulnerable – they may not always have your best interest in mind. It’s best to send personal messages if you’re trying to connect with others as opposed to posting on the page.

If you’re a Bravo Bulldogs Family or Friend please don’t forget to RSVP for the Warrior Banquet / special holiday meal on Thanksgiving Day with your Soldier in our Dining Facility! We have to turn in the numbers at the end of next week. If you haven’t called yet, you can still do so starting on Monday - (573) 596-0331 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time

For everyone else - don’t forget to mark your calendars for Friday’s live on-line video web-cast! You’ll hear information about the Thanksgiving Day Special Meal / Warrior Banquet for Bravo Company, Holiday Block Leave Ticketing Procedures, and Holiday Block Leave procedures. Your Soldiers will NOT be part of this event, but don’t let that discourage you from logging in. We’ll have the log-in information up mid week.

We’ve got another full week ahead this week – Alpha Rock completes their BCT experience; the Bravo Bulldogs qualify on their M16 rifle and head out to their second field training exercise; the Delta Dawgs get fitted for their Army Service Uniform, take on the Confidence Course, and head back out to the range; and the Echo Enforcers go to the field for their culminating training exercise.

As always, Sundays are set aside for voluntary attendance at one of Fort Leonard Wood’s various religious services, preparation for the upcoming week’s training, and area clean-up.

This week’s video is a ‘shout out’ to our Alpha Rock Families as they make their way to Fort Leonard Wood this week to see their Soldier graduate Basic Combat Training! While I know you’re excited to make your way here, you definitely need to keep the speed limit in mind…

Hope you had a great weekend! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
- Sundays are the day we get to have a call from our Soldiers but I did not get a call from R.J. all of us army wives thought they got their call taken away! We were all devastated!

Good Morning Dragoon Family Members and Friends – Fantastic morning for Physical Readiness Training (PRT today) – warm, slight breeze; great day for a run…

Make sure that you keep your calendar free for Friday night’s live on-line webcast for information about key upcoming events – graduations, Thanksgiving, Holiday Block Leave Ticketing, and Holiday Block Leave procedures

On to today’s trainin
g update:

Bravo Bulldogs (Week 6): The Bulldogs started this morning with Ability Group Runs (AGR) for PRT and then it’s off to the range for more Basic Rifle Marksmanship training. Today Soldiers fire a series of timed engagements at variable ranges to improve their marksmanship skills and confidence. It’s a lot faster than you might think. This is a significant training event for the Bulldogs as later this week (Wednesday) they will fire their qualification record fire. Weapons qualification is one of the single most stressful events in Basic Combat Training – Soldiers must qualify on their individual weapon to graduate.

Hope you have a great week! “By Force and Valor!” LTC Anderson, Dragoon 6
- I got a call this day because Sunday they got too busy and there wasn't a Drill Sargent to give them their phones. They gave them a 30min call. It still was not enough time but R.J. is doing good! He took his Rifle Marksmanship test and he almost qualified. He missed 2 targets to qualify. They have their final in 2 days though so hopefully he can pass! He has to pass to graduate! 
Well, that is all the updates for today. Pictures from the week are below!


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